October Programming Highlights
The wet end to October didn’t put a damper on our fall programming. Among our activities, last month saw Esperanza's 6th grade catch some bass at Fairview-Riverside State Park, ReNew's Therapeutic Program snag crawfish and shrimp at Bayou Segnette, and YEP students harvest wild plants to create “Moss Murals." We were also excited to put some lines in the water and make fish prints with folks from ARC, and paddle Bayou Segnette with this year’s cohort of Friends Forever participants.
It was a treat to visit a number of other sites within the State Park family. In early October, Josh had a whirlwind tour to check out best practices and collaboration opportunities with folks from Rosedown State Historic Site, Poverty Point Reservoir State Park and World Historic Site, Ft. St. Jean Baptise State Historic Site, Louisiana's State Arboretum, and Chicot State Park. Many thanks to the incredible staff at each one of these locations!
If you haven't checked out Malcolm and Mitch's Big Muddy Adventure in a little while, they've begun a correspondence with Ms. Mossing's class at Esperanza. It's definitely worth a visit.
As the weather cools, we have campouts on the horizon, so check back for s’more action soon!
"It might be small, but it put up a fight!" Esperanza students at Fairview-Riverside. Thanks to Mr. Gordon for helping us catch a net-full!