December Programming Highlights
Heavy rains in late December pushed some of our programming into 2016, but last month still saw some new partnerships coalesce to get youth outside! Through a collaboration with the New Orleans Police Department’s Mounted Patrol Unit, students from Sci Academy were able to learn what it takes to be one of the elite, four-hooved officers that help protect New Orleans! Two canoeists, having just completed the 2,300 mile journey down the Mississippi, stopped by Bayou Segnette State Park for a Paddle and Trash Pick Up event with a 6th grade class from Esperanza. The duo has maintained written correspondence with students through the LOOP NOLA, reinforcing knowledge about river ecology, natural history, and safe camping practices. Elementary and High School workshops also covered outdoor cooking and camping basics during classroom visits.
LOOP NOLA is excited to welcome new staff and expanded programming during January!
Sci Academy students visit the NOPD Mounted Unit stables in New Orleans City Park.