7 Summer Safety Tips

When the school year ends, it’s time for summer fun! At LOOP NOLA, we run outdoor adventure programs year round. We’re well aware of the challenges that summertime weather can bring, and we want our students and their families to be ready for safe outdoor fun all summer long. 

Kids going outside and having fun is one of the hallmarks of summertime, but there are certain things to keep in mind that will make these outside activities safe from harm. People of all ages need to be mindful of the intense heat here in the New Orleans area. The effects of intense heat can sneak up on a person and easily lead to heat stroke or heat exhaustion. With that said, here are 7 tips for staying safe while playing outside in the hot summer months. 

7 Summer Safety Tips

  1. Stay hydrated

    First and foremost, stay hydrated! Remember to drink plenty of good old-fashioned ice water while playing outside. Sports drinks are also great to keep on hand because they help replace electrolytes that we lose through sweating. Remember, this goes for kids as well as adults - especially grandparents who might be taking their grandkids kids to outdoor playdates. 

    Adults and kids who spend most of the year indoors are particularly susceptible to dehydration for two reasons. First, their body hasn’t adjusted to the heat yet, so it takes more effort to stay cool. Second, people who spend most of their time indoors don’t typically drink a ton of water. If your usual beverages are sugary or caffeinated, it can be hard to switch back to plain, boring water. That water is vital to staying hydrated in the summer heat, which lets you keep playing outside and having fun all summer long. Even if the water seems boring, go ahead and drink some.

  2. Dress for the heat

    Another important way to beat the heat is by wearing lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothes. Wear clothes that provide good air flow, and avoid dark colors and thick fabrics that trap heat. This can be tough for kids who love wearing their hoodies no matter the weather, but it’s important to dress for the weather rather than for fashion. 

    Stick to cotton and quick-dry materials that help you stay cool. Wearing these types of clothes will help you avoid heat exhaustion as well as dehydration.

  3. Use sun protection 

    It goes without saying that if you are trying to avoid a sunburn, you should wear sunscreen. Getting a little sun is important for all of us, as it provides vitamin D which strengthens our immune system. However, there’s a point at which too much sun becomes harmful. That’s where sunscreen comes in. Sunscreen helps block harmful cancer-causing rays from the sun and prevents sunburn.

    There are many different kinds of sunscreen, so choose the one that’s right for you and your family. The “sport” sunscreens tend to be a little thicker and stay in place even if you’re sweating or playing in water. Spray sunscreens can be easier to apply than lotion sunscreens when you’re applying them to a child. If you have a small child who doesn’t like sunscreen though, there are even colorful sunscreens that are specifically designed to be appealing to children. 

    If you have sensitive skin or prefer not to use sunscreen, you can also use clothing as sun protection. Lightweight shirts and pants are recommended if you will be spending lots of time in direct sunlight. There are also swim shirts that act as both sun protection and rash guard for activities like floating on rafts and going down water slides. And of course, don’t forget a hat and sunglasses to shade your face and protect your eyes.

  4. Use bug protection 

    Here in South Louisiana, the bugs come out in force during the summer months - especially the mosquitos! Mosquitoes are most aggressive at sunrise and sunset. Most kids aren’t up and about at sunrise, but sunset can be a problem. Mosquitoes not only cause irritating bites, but some carry disease as well. Nobody enjoys bug bites, so prevent them by wearing mosquito repellent when necessary or staying indoors at sunrise and sunset.

  5. Be ready for storms

    New Orleans weather is no joke in the summer. It can go from hot, sunny, and muggy to a torrential downpour in minutes. Sometimes the sudden rain provides a nice time to cool off. Other times, the lightning and wind can make the situation dangerous if you’re not prepared. When lightning is in the area, go indoors until the storm has passed.

    During the summer months, always assume that it might rain or thunderstorm. If you’re prepared for the weather to turn on you, you’ll be able to get to safety quickly and protect yourself from the rain.

  6. Buddy up  

    Buddy up! Playing with other kids in the same age range and staying in a group gives everyone a way to keep an eye on each other in case anything bad happens. It’s important to make sure that nobody is left behind, and that means there needs to be friends looking out for each other at all times. 

    As a parent, you’re already aware of the dangers that exist in this world. It’s always important for kids to be aware of their surroundings and make sure they are with friends or a guardian. When bringing your child to hang out with other kids, have a talk with them beforehand about expectations, how to look out for each other, and what to do if something goes wrong.

  7. Use safety equipment

    During the summer months, there are many fun activities to try like bike riding, roller skating, and water sports. However, all of these activities call for safety gear. It’s important that all individuals - but especially kids - wear appropriate safety equipment such as helmets, knee pads, life jackets, etc. Summer fun can come to a screeching halt if an injury occurs, so it’s best to wear the safety equipment and prevent injuries.

Heather West

From New Orleans. Program Director for LOOP NOLA