Stocking stuffers for outdoor enthusiasts that don’t break the bank
The craziness of this year seems to have thrown off all sense of time. Is it April still? Didn’t we just do Halloween?
Nope! It’s December, and Christmas is this week!
If you’re like us, you’re probably still scrambling to finish your Christmas shopping. Have no fear! We’re here to help with some ideas for the perfect stocking stuffers for outdoor enthusiasts. The staff at LOOP NOLA spend a ton of time enjoying the outdoors, so we’re well-versed in outdoor gear. If you’re shopping for an outdoor enthusiast this year, they’re sure to like something from this list.
Where To Buy Gifts For Outdoor Enthusiasts
While we always advocate shopping locally, it’s especially true this year. The Washington Post has described this year’s online shopping mayhem as, “A historic crush of e-commerce packages...”
In the spirit of shopping locally, and trying not to make an already overwhelming shipping situation worse, all of the items on this list can be purchased from locally owned businesses in New Orleans. This makes last-minute shopping even easier --- you’re guaranteed to get your stocking stuffers on time!
Unless otherwise specified, you can find most of the items on this list at Massey’s Professional Outfitters in Mid City. Their staff is super helpful and can point you in the right direction for your gifts.
The Best Stocking Stuffers For Outdoor Enthusiasts
Buying gifts for outdoorsy people can be challenging if you are not an outdoorsy person yourself. We’re a bit of an odd demographic, and we tend to confuse indoorsy people. That’s why guides like this come in handy at Christmastime.
When you’re trying to figure out the right gift for an outdoor enthusiast, the main thing to know about outdoorsy folks is that we’re kind of nerdy. Though we love going on crazy adventures and doing all kinds of weird stuff outside, we totally geek out on cool gear. It doesn’t even have to be expensive gear. Any cool new outdoorsy gear makes us happy.
Here are some ideas for stocking stuffers for outdoor enthusiasts:
Anything with light
You can never have enough headlamps. Solar-powered lights are also super cool, as are lanterns. If it’s a light source, it’s awesome.
Things that clip
I’m not sure why we love clippy things so much, but we do. It’s probably because they’re useful in outdoor life as well as everyday life.
- Need to clip a clothesline to a tree? Done!
- Need to tie some tubes together while you’re on a float trip? Done!
Carabiners, gear ties, and cool-looking paracord make for great stocking stuffers.
Getting clothes for Christmas was a bummer as a kid, but it’s fantastic as an adult! Wool socks with cool designs on them are a big hit. The same goes for cool beanies, shirts, and neck gaiters.
Sunglasses are super important in the outdoors, especially if you’re doing anything on the water. Between direct sunlight and glare coming off the water, it’s really tough to see without good sunglasses.
Fortunately, there’s a new-ish brand on the market that produces attractive, polarized sunglasses at a reasonable cost. Goodr sunglasses are fantastic, and Louisiana Running & Walking Co. on Canal Blvd. has a great selection.
Bags of all sorts
We love bags. Dry bags, stuff sacks, toiletries bags, day packs, all bags. If you can put stuff in it and it looks cool, we want it.
Things to drink out of
Outdoorsy people tend to get a little particular on this one. We want functional drinking vessels that also look cool. If it’s going to break easily (i.e. glass or cheap plastic), it’s not functional. Durable plastic, metal, and/or insulation are the key points for drinking vessels.
Sharp things
Knives and multi-tools are awesome. This one speaks for itself.
Random fun stuff
If you find something random that’s fun to use outdoors, it’s probably a good option. Things like hammocks, stickers, light-up frisbees, and waterproof notebooks fall into this category. Fun little items like these make great stocking stuffers for outdoor enthusiasts.
We hope that this list is helpful for you!
And of course, you can always give the gift of an outdoor experience. LOOP NOLA offers unique outdoor adventures in the New Orleans area for everyone from 2nd grade through adulthood. With options including canoeing, team-building, and Camping 101, there’s something for everyone. Contact us for more information about our local outdoor adventures.