How To Find Adventure Every Day

A participant jumping for the trapeze on LOOP NOLA’s High Ropes Course

A participant jumping for the trapeze on LOOP NOLA’s High Ropes Course

TV and movies make adventure seem so alluring but so difficult to achieve. Of course I want to go on a swashbuckling adventure! But I don’t really want to leave my family to spend months at sea or get captured by pirates. Does the trade-off really have to be that steep???


Once you learn how to find adventure in everyday life, you’ll notice it everywhere.

How to find adventure in everyday life:

Change your routines

The main trick to finding adventure without completely altering your lifestyle (or risking capture at sea) is to shift your mindset a little bit. People are creatures of habit, and we fall into patterns easily. Change up your routine a little bit so that your mind will be free to see new opportunities. 

Here are a few easy ways to change your daily routine:

  • Wake up at a different time 

  • Drive a different route to work

  • Try new foods instead of eating the same thing over and over

  • Watch a different genre of TV show or read a different genre of book

  • Shop at a different store than you usually do

Notice the differences

As you start changing your routine a little bit, notice the differences. If you’ve changed your driving route, do you pass by any new businesses or restaurants that seem intriguing? Keep an eye out for anything that seems interesting or that sparks your curiosity. 

If you come across something that’s intriguing, check it out. Learn more about it. This is a great time to ask some questions -- either to friends or the internet -- to find out more about activities you’ve never tried before. 

Try activities that are a little out of your comfort zone

Once something sparks your interest, give it a shot! When you notice the opportunity for adventure, you have to actually take it. In all likelihood, this will be a little scary, and that’s OK. 

It feels uncomfortable to try new things. You’re probably going to be a little bad at it at first, and that’s totally fine. Trying new things feels awkward and exciting at the same time. That’s the adventure!

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

In the adventurous stories that we read and watch, the main characters have to be really brave and face something that’s scary but that leads to a great adventure. You can find adventure in everyday life by trying new things that require just a little bit of bravery. Once you start noticing opportunities for adventure, you’ll get more comfortable at taking those opportunities. In the meantime, try something new that seems a little intimidating but also really fun or exciting. 

If you’re looking for new adventurous activities in the New Orleans area, check out LOOP NOLA. Our outings are designed for all ages and include canoeing, kayaking, high ropes, camping, and more. We offer several great ways to safely challenge your comfort zones and break your routines. Contact us for your next adventure!

Heather West

From New Orleans. Program Director for LOOP NOLA