7 Common Caterpillars in New Orleans

7 Common Caterpillars in New Orleans

New Orleans is home to a broad range of caterpillars, both stinging and non-stinging. While some caterpillars can be harmful if touched, others are harmless and even beneficial to the ecosystem. It is important to know the difference between the two both to avoid a painful sting and to appreciate the rich diversity of our local critters.

Louisiana native plants: 5 plants to add to your garden this spring

Louisiana native plants: 5 plants to add to your garden this spring

Adding native plants to your garden is a great way to support the local ecosystem, promote biodiversity in the region, and create new habitat for our native critters. Here are 5 native Louisiana plants to add to your home garden this year.

City Park Outdoor Adventures This Spring

City Park Outdoor Adventures This Spring

Learning outdoor skills builds resilience and self-reliance for kids of all ages. Along with basic outdoor skills, students got the chance to learn about stewardship in the outdoors. Repeated at every single event, one of LOOP NOLA’s slogans is, “Respect yourself. Respect each other. Respect the outdoors.” During our outdoor adventures, kids learn how to protect the environment so that they can enjoy it for years to come.

American Alligator -- Natural History Series

American Alligator -- Natural History Series

Alligators are visitors from another time, out of place in our modern, urban lives. Yet they exist. Observing an alligator seems like watching a statue. They lay still for hours moving only to breathe and blink, and then when spotting prey, suddenly lunge forward at speeds in excess of 30 miles per hour. Of all the animals that can be seen throughout the Barataria Preserve, the species that attracts the most attention is the American alligator.

Introducing your kid to hiking: creating a fun family day!

Introducing your kid to hiking: creating a fun family day!

Going hiking together is a great way to create a fun family day with your kids. Enjoying the outing together makes memories that will last long into the future. By planning ahead and introducing your kid to hiking smoothly, you’ll ensure that you’re making good memories!